Category: Government

  • Rate Dad

    Rate Dad

    Queensland Family and Child Commission: Talking Families Rate Dad. The Queensland Family and Child Commission wanted to say thank you to Dads on fathers’ day. Thank you for trying and doing your best, from the voices of those who love you. This was a short series for their Talking Families social presence.

  • Save Water. Save Money

    Save Water. Save Money

    Isaac Regional Council Save Water. Save Money. The Isaac Regional Council had not been charging for water. Local industry was winding down and would soon, no longer cover that cost for residents. Rather than framing it as bad news we gave the community the tools to deal with the change and a fun communication of…

  • Healthier Happier

    Healthier Happier

    Queensland Health Healthier Happier. This persistent behaviour change campaign to encourage healthier choices of Queensland residents required an activation for a niche cohort – Those in government housing.  The campaign message is “Make healthier choices to be healthier and happier”. We had to ask the question – What about people without choices? We provided a…

  • Ginger and the survivors

    Ginger and the survivors

    Cairns Regional Council We will survive Our goal: to convince the rainiest Australian region to conserve water. Research showed the greatest gains could be made by reducing garden water use. This 360 behaviour change campaign anchored by a series of seasonal TVCs included radio spots along with a tonne of collateral, transit and OOH. Our…

  • Deadly Kindy

    Deadly Kindy

    Institute for Urban Indigenous Health Deadly Kindy There are barriers preventing indigenous kids from making an easy start at kindy.  Kindergartens in Queensland require that kids are vaccinated and healthy and that they have their own supplies (eg. blanket & water bottle).  In addition, there’s mistrust for institutions like medical practices and schools for indigenous…